/ Introduction

Whit Breece Cloud Addon functionality we want to make makes it possible for users to access data from different sources and use the data on the displays. Because all sources is different, the addons are customized to work with specific sources.

/ General Functionality

Cloud web

You can manage addons in the addon section on an installation. Here you can create the addon you what to use. Upload custom layouts and assign displays.


Breece scheduler service handles all addon connections. The service will check if any addons need to be updated every minute and will update the displays that need to be updated.

Setup O365 in cloud

Log in to cloud, choose addon -> addon list


A screenshot of a computer

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In bottom left corner -> clic create Addon – Chose Office365 -> clic save


Insert values from Azure (Values is obtained from customers IT department, if they don’t know how to get values then “Breece Cloud - Office365 integration.pdf”. can be obtained by request send mail to [email protected] 


Used culture – Choose Language displayed for calendar view.

(use this list if to find Language Code: http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm )

Time Offset:

We recommend setting “Time offset” to 80 sec. so the sign has changed slightly before an actual meeting is starting.

Numbers are measured in seconds.

Update Interval: 

How often we retrieve data from Azure. Recommended is every 5 min.


From To:

To save power on batteries, set “From” and “To”, to active opening hours.

Email Notification:

If there is a problem, this person will be notified.

Finish Setup:

When you filled out the steps above (see picture)

A screenshot of a computer

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Clic Save

Design Packages

Right now you need preconfigured Designs to get startet. In a later release you can create new design right away. Designs is attached to this solution.

A screenshot of a computer

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Clic in lower left corner on “Upload Design Package -> upload Design and Layot -> Clic save -> Clic Publish

Do this for all your designs (in this example Calendar and CalendarBusy)

A screenshot of a computer

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/ Layouts

Addon layouts use the same layout as products.

The the way the layout differs is how we handle variables. Variables are prefixed with an Addon type. In this example, we get the office 365 users department from office 365. You can now use the variable by prefixing the addon type like this OFFICE365.Department.

Here is an eksample of how it looks in the bdm file 

<text><![CDATA[/ [OFFICE365.Department]]]></text>

/ Installation Layouts

In the Addon section, you can upload your custom layouts that can make use of the Addon variables.

These layouts will only be available on installation level.

/ Standard Layouts

Standard layouts are system-wide layouts that are available for all installations. These layouts should remain generic because all installations have access to them.

Standard layouts, are manually uploaded to the database. 

Upload the layout to StandardAddonTemplates. You also need to add the layout type and id to AddonsActiveDesignPakages.

/ Error Handling

When things do not go as expected, we will handle the error. Either on Addon level, as on general error, in the addon that will affect all displays attached to the addon. Or it can be an error specific error on the display.

/ Addon

When The addon fails, the addon will change status to failed and will. When in this state, it will not update any displays. The default way to fix this error is to correct and save the configuration again. Fx. If the user used the wrong tenant id or the user lost it’s permissions. No displays image will be updated when the addon fails, but an email will be sent to the configured notification email.

/ Display

When an error occurs on a Display, the display will be marked as failed. When this happens, the display image will be updated, with an error layout. The error layout is the layout marked as “IsErrorLayout” in StandardAddonTemplates. The error layout will not be shown in gui. You can use variables on the layout. There can only be one Error layout on the system. 

When creating an Error Layout do not prefix addon name

  • Installation (int)
  • SerialNumber (string)
  • AssignValue (string)
  • Message (string)

/ Office 365 Modes

User – Will have a users calender

A white card with black text

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Display example

With user you can use thise variables

  • RoomName (string)
  • UserTitle (string)
  • Department (string)
  • Date (string)
  • UserAllDayEvents (string)
  • UserAppointments (string)
  • UserAppointmentsOneLinePerEvent (string)



Room – Will have a rooms calender and show if the room is occupied.

A screen shot of a black and white sign

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Calender example

A screenshot of a red and black screen

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Calender busy example



  • RoomName (string)
  • Date (string)
  • MeetingStartsWithin5Minutes (True/False)


With room you also have access to 20 appointments

  • AppointmentSubject[appointmentNumber] (string)

– eks AppointmentSubject1

  • AppointmentStart[appointmentNumber] (string)

– eks AppointmentStart1

  • AppointmentEnd[appointmentNumber] (string)

– eks AppointmentEnd1

  • AppointmentDuration[appointmentNumber] (string)

– eks AppointmentDuration1

  • AppointmentOrganizer[appointmentNumber] (string)

– eks AppointmentOrganizer1



/Assign Calendar to Display.

To assign a calendar to a display go to: Addon -> Assigned display

A screenshot of a computer

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Clic Assign Display in the lower left corner.


A screenshot of a computer

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Select Office 365


Give it a telling name

Display Seria Number:

Find display you want to use for room signage, enter display serial (on the back of displays is the Serial number)

Office 365 type:

Calendar: is for meeting rooms.

User: shows information on personal calendar.

Choose a layout:

Here you can choose among uploaded designs.

Choose a busy layout:

Show another design when a meeting is in progress.

Assign value:

Enter email address of meeting room or personal email for a single user.

Finish configuration

When finished, clic save. The cloud will now send calendar info to the display.


Assign used Display to another Calendar:

Right clic (see picture),choose unassign. After unassign follow the “Assign Calendar” steps again.