Mobile configuration.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated



  • Delete replaced Displays – When using the replace function, the cloud will delete the old displays if this is activated
  • Default Display input – When selecting display, what input mode should be default. This is normally scanner or camera
  • Default product input – When selecting display, what input mode should be default. This is normally scanner or camera


  • Override PointMobile ScanWedge settings – Allows for use of multiple scanwedges on the device. If activated, the device will force APP to use the scansettings


  • Confirm Camera input – User must confirm the input by pressing “ok” after scanning.
  • Press for camera scan User must press scan before a barcode is scanned 
  • Convert camera output (UPC -> EAN) – ONLY FOR CAMERA. Converts UPC barcodes into EAN
  • Convert to code (39 -> 32) – ONLY FOR CAMERA. Converts code 39 barcodes into Code 32
  • Remove leading string – When scanning, the APP will remove the configured string
  • Product keyboard input – numeric only – This options removes all letters when showing the on-screen keyboard.
  • Display status check – When there is an action for a display (the display is scanned), there will be a status check and an alert if the display is failed.


  • Validate product input – Checks if the scanned product exists on the cloud.
  • Override product validation option – Lets the user assign a non-existing product.
  • Prompt for position – When a display Is scanned, the APP will ask to set a Position for the display.
  • On unassign – prompt for delete position – When the display is unassigned, the APP will prompt to delete the position.
  • Choose language – Set the language shown in the APP.