This guide shows how to find QR-codes for Breece Mobile Assist on Cloud installations
User admin rights required for cloud user.
Under Installations, press the filter button, see picture below:
and Insert the name of the desired installation, use 'Contains' as the filtering method.
Press Apply Filter
When the installation is found, double-click the installation or press the green icon on the right side to go to the installation
Hover the mouse over the wrench icon on the right side, choose Users
Tryk på System Access i bunden, tryk derefter på BMA brugeren, herfra kan man scanne QR-koden på skærmen eller trykke "Open PDF" for at kunne udskrive QR-koden fra pdf format.
Press System Access on the bottom of the page, press the BMA user, from here it is possible to scan the QR-code or open it as a pdf to print